Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Influence of Surrealism

Surrealism is the style of art and literature developed in the 20th century. It was known to stress the subconscious or non rational significance of art through the exploitation of chance effects, or unexpected juxtapositions. Basically meaning it was the revolution from realist art (portraits, landscapes etc.) to the breakthrough of random and crazy art.

Surrealism was criticized by many as random art with no meaning. While centuries before have perfected a realist style of art and culture to document current events, showcase the current state of culture, or contradicting political views, the surrealism breakthrough displayed a more obscure and random form of art. It was often thought of as unconscious, sexist, and non rational.

Surrealist saw their movement as inherently dynamic and dialectical. It referred to a range of creative acts of revolt and efforts to liberate imagination. Even though this new art style was seen as being random and non rational, it's art had many alternative meanings and subliminal contradicting views on politics and culture, having an identifiable impact on radical and revolutionary politics. Surrealism had an impact on many other fields such literature, politics and music.  Did this help revolutionize art or did it pollute the culture, and tarnish its commutative foundation?

1 comment:

  1. This still sounds like it's straight out of Wikipedia -- or, in other words, just information. Where does the opinion (the view) come in? Also, how does each of these paragraphs express a distinct perspective from the others? I'm puzzled.
